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The Outlaw's Handbook

  The Outlaw’s Handbook

  How To Be A Modern Outlaw & Gain Freedom In An Unfree World

  Charles Sledge

  Copyright © 2017 Charles Sledge

  All rights reserved.

  I am not a doctor. My books do not contain medical advice. All contents of my books are for informational, educational, and for entertainment purposes only. Reliance on any information of & any books written by Charles Sledge is solely at your own risk. No liability will be assumed for the use of any information provided or contributed in my books. Consult a professional before following any of my advice.

  Table Of Contents

  Table Of Contents


  The Slave Morality

  The Outlaw Takes What He Wills

  The Outlaw & Respect

  An Outlaw’s Loyalty

  The Outlaw Plays To Win

  The Duality Of An Outlaw

  An Understanding Of The World Unknown To Most

  The Outlaw’s Unique Path

  Snakes & Wolves

  Gaining Freedom In An Unfree World

  About The Author


  Do you feel free?

  My guess is that if you’re an average man living in the Western world that you don’t. Your source of enslavement or limitation may feel like it comes from many different directions and many different ways. And you’d be right.

  From a corporate job and a sadistic boss killing your soul to a nagging wife nipping at your balls to a media that has all but declared outright war on you and what you are.

  Playing by the old rules is a guaranteed way to slavery. Playing by their rules is a guaranteed way to enslavement as a matter of fact playing by any other rules than your own isn’t going to get you where you want…to freedom.

  Here I declare the man in order to reclaim his freedom and be what he was created to be must throw off the yoke of slavery and dogma passed down to him by his masters. And instead must live in accordance with what is best for himself and his freedom.

  To be a modern outlaw and find freedom in an increasingly unfree and regulated world. A world that is on the path to eliminating all risk and along with it masculinity. An environment that wishes to cage you in and say it’s for your benefit. An environment without glory, honor, or growth. A sickening neutered unnatural state. But my guess is if you’re reading this book that you have no interest in being part of that movement.

  You want to rebel against it, to fight against what is coming. Like I said to be an outlaw. Perhaps the idea of being an outlaw gives you a bad feeling, it shouldn’t. In corrupt times to upright are the outlaws. In an upside down world good is considered bad and bad good. And friend we live in an upside down world.

  To be a “bad” man by society should be worn as a badge of honor. As should the declaration that you are an outlaw. You are outside this society of decay and degeneracy and wish for something stronger and more true. Something that isn’t found in an cage but rather is found out there.

  In the wilds where the outlaw ride. If that is where you feel your destiny lies than this book is for you. It will teach you the ways of the outlaw and how to begin to gain freedom for yourself. It is meant to break the chains of both your spirit and mind and rekindle the fire that burns deep down within all of us.

  Now get ready to learn what it takes to make it into the ranks of free rebels, of men without masters, of outlaws.

  The Slave Morality

  Ever got the feeling that your mind is not your own? Have you ever wondered why you do the things that you do? Why is it that man behaves in a certain way even though it is against his best interest? Truth be told most of us are living in a zombified state. Our minds and our hearts are not our own but rather a mix of programming and brainwashing designed to get us to act and behave in a certain way. A certain way that was never made for our own benefit but rather for the benefit of those who instilled these notions into our head. For example you may think that there is a nobleness in sorts of allowing someone to take advantage of you without retaliation. Why is this? Certainly this is not something that man was born with (otherwise he’d be extinct).

  This docile, passive, and weak nature is something that is fostered in man and all is done to make sure that nothing comes in and breaks it. Those that are truly free and truly men, the outlaws, barbarians, or whatever you want to call them are deemed evil, awful, a whole list of “ist”‘s and “phobes” and every other shaming word that they can come up with. When all they really are is freedom and a way to break free from the plantation. However we obviously can’t have that so freedom is labeled evil, up down, and good evil. And the matrix continues on, the drones dying out and being replaced by new ones. An endless soulless cycle that we are supposed to not only cherish and be thankful for but to defend and uphold.

  We are conditioned to be slaves. Anyone who questions this slave morality is deemed a heretic or evil. This is nothing new, truth be told the mass of humanity has always lived as a servant class of some sort. And the mass of humanity will always be a servant class of some sort. This isn’t to cast hate on them or anything of that matter, simply a statement of facts. However there are also other sides of humanity. There are the slave masters who wish to run the slaves lives and have them do as they want to make their own lives easier. Then there are the outlaws who wish to go their own way and experience the freedom, trial, and challenge of the world on their own. They have no need of slaves and certainly no need of slave masters.

  Breaking Free

  However to become an outlaw and be free first one must loosen the chains that bind him. Loosen and weaken them until with a mighty pull they can be snapped and the beginnings of freedom achieved. Most men will never know what this feels like both the thrill and anxiety of having freedom before their eyes and within their grasp. The first step is to be aware that many of your thoughts are not your own by rather put there by those who do not have your best interest at heart and want you to be a docile slave that they can do as they please with. Some will be treated half way decently and maybe even thrown a bone every now and then while others will be beaten and bruised with glee as their masters laugh because they know there is nothing they can do.

  Much better is the fate of the outlaw, the free man who holds his fate in his own hand. Sure he will never experience the comfort of the plantation but he will experience so much more. So many more things greater and of higher worth. And this all starts with taking measure of one’s thoughts and beliefs. When you sit back and you look at things and you ask yourself “does this benefit me or someone else?” you find that many beliefs and ideas that you have been grasping onto are the very chains that keep you bound. This isn’t to say that every belief you’ve ever had is wrong. Rather that some of your more prized and cherished ones may not be yours at all or for your benefit.

  Regardless you’ll only learn this by examining yourself and your beliefs. Question things and see what the logical conclusion is. The actions that you take are they actions that actually benefit you? Or rather are they actions that you do because others told you to do them, it’s what everyone does, or one of the most popular “it’s the right thing to do”. The right thing to do according to who? And does this person who is telling you it is the right thing to do have your best interests at heart? Unless it’s a strong father, mentor, or brother my guess is going to be no. And therefore if the belief has no use for you then discard it.

  The Making Of A Slave

  From an early age we are taught how to behave. In a natural society this is generally a good thing and even in our society now we are taught many good things. The basics of socializing and things of that nature. However we’re also
taught many things that are designed to make up complacent and to ensure that we never question our chains or grow angry at them. We are often discouraged from questioning certain things or believing certain thoughts. At first we may fight this but then eventually we generally give in, on the strongest will carry this independent thought into adult hood. That’s not to say that everything that’s not mainstream is good or that everything mainstream is bad. This concept can be taken too far and many times is. But it is something to think about.

  A slave is made when one gives up their self-determination. When they accept whatever is placed before them and refuse to ever question if it’s what should be placed before them or the whole story. The slave lives in a dream world, though it may be a pleasant one to the slave. The outlaw, the man, lives in the real world and all that entails. It’s not very pretty, it’s actually pretty damn ugly. But it’s true and it basing your beliefs and mind on these truths that makes you free. You must follow a code that reflects your own values and that is there for your own benefit. You must get rid of the chains that are put upon you by others, the slave morality.

  Every outlaw has their code and their code differs from the slave morality of mainstream society as a whole. A man cannot live without something which to base and measure his conduct. This code should be something developed to make you sharp and hold you to a high level. It should be something that is not easy to hold yourself to and that requires challenges and sacrifice. It should emphasize strength and overcoming challenge. Have your own moral system that is first and foremost designed for your benefit not for the benefit of humanity as a whole (a nebulous term) nor for others and especially not for those who would use you as a pawn to be sacrificed and discarded when the time comes. Your code must benefit you first and foremost, that is the only type of code worth following.

  The Outlaw Takes What He Wills

  You’ve been told ever since you were young to ask for permission. While there is certainly a time and place for this (when young and among elders within your tribe) following this same line of thought in the real world will get you killed. Imagine being a hunter who asked for the prey’s permission to hunt and kill it. That hunter would be extinct as well as all he provided for. Or imagine that you asked for your enemies permission to retaliate against an attack they made against you. You’d be a fool and just like our hunter quickly go extinct. In this world you take what you can, you take what you can through your strength. Victory is often pried from the cold dead hands of your enemies, it is not something that is given to you freely.

  The outlaw takes what he wills from the world. Like the conqueror he knows there is a rich bounty for those that have the strength to claim it. So he takes what he can for himself. He isn’t laden down with guilt from a slave morality he knows that to eat he must kill and to survive he must fight. He has no illusions about how the world works and who comes out on top. The outlaw sees what is around him as his domain or domain to be conquered. The outlaw knows that the strongest take what they will and everyone else deals with it. Strength rules the day in the outlaw’s world and he takes account of this. Always testing and observing the strength of others while constantly refining his own strength.

  While there is a time and place for fairness within one’s own group and for competitive purposes when it comes to claiming and acquiring resources (whatever those resources may be) those who follow fairness (as however their tribe defines it) are destined to lose. For in the real world the only thing that matters is victory not the means by which victory is achieved. This doesn’t mean you have to be amoral, deceitful, and what one would call “evil” to succeed. One can be both wise and strong without those things yet to pretend they won’t be used or that they don’t exist is foolishness. The outlaw expects his enemy and competitors to use every dirty underhand trick in the book and then some to achieve their ends. The outlaw is ready for this and ready to respond in kind.

  A World For The Taking

  The spoils go to the victor. Those who take what they will get what they want. It’s as simple as that. Those that sit back and wait for providence, fairness, or something else to achieve there ends for them will be waiting for eternity and will never get what they want. You only eat what you kill. The world is ripe for plunderer’s strong enough to take it’s bounty. The world has always gone to the strongest conquerors and it always will. While things like rules and fairness are used to bar others from the competition. Look at it this way. Imagine you hadn’t eaten for days and there a hundred feet away was a wounded animal lying still fresh killed and there one hundred feet past that was another man also looking starving.

  Now imagine you could tell that man “We will fight but you should only use one hand” and that he actually followed it. You would laugh as you ate the wounded animal over his corpse. You would laugh because you couldn’t believe that a man could be so foolish and yet he was. That is what it’s like competing in the world adhering to a code that is not for your own interest. It’s fight with one hand behind your back while everyone else is not only using both hands but also have brass knuckles. There is no such thing as a fair fight in the real world. There is only winner and loser. The outlaw understands this and does everything possible to ensure victory for himself and his gang.

  He’ll use any means necessarily as it is victory and survival that he is after. Not saying he lost “fairly”. The outlaw also helps himself freely to the spoils of victory. He knows that what he wins is his so long as he is strong and quick enough to keep it. An outlaw is not a follower by nature. He is a leader even if he chooses to sometimes walk alone. He doesn’t buy into false moralities but rather looks at the world and nature and rather sees what actually works and what actually causes one to achieve victory more often than not. That is where he draws his code from, from the harsh reality of existence. He cobbles it together from the coldness of the world.

  The Will To Power

  The outlaw is too wise to allow his enemies a chance to breath, mercy, or a second chance. If he has the chance to end them then he will regardless if it’s considered “fair”. Like I’ve said what the outlaw looks for is survival not dying for a false moral code that does nothing for him but keep him in chains. He asserts his dominance and strength without a second thought. He does not care what others think but rather what is good for him and will bring him the greatest victory in this world. He understands that those who have power are those that have taken it, often from others who would rather not relinquish it to him.

  This doesn’t mean that he is necessarily cruel though he can be, it means he is practical. The relationship between unapologetically asserting oneself and one’s will is what brings a person what they want in this life. He knows that showing any sign of weakness to his enemies isn’t the mark of a good man but the mark of a fool who will soon be eliminated. He looks around him and see that many suffer because of the chains that have inflicted on themselves and the “rules” they bring into combat where rules are meaningless. People are handicapped by their own self-restraint and sense of “fairness”.

  Which makes them easy pickings for the wolves. There are many matters in which exercising one’s self-restraint can be good but when it comes to asserting oneself in this world then self-restraint can end your reign before it even started. You must go all in, there can be no half-measure. You cannot hold back hoping your enemy will not come at you with everything he has, because he will. He makes no apologies for taking what he wants and dares anyone to try and stop him or take it from him. Outlaws are controlled by their own code and what is best for them not by the shame and guilt of others. In this regard the outlaw is pragmatic and does what works not what sounds nice.

  The Outlaw & Respect

  Man chases after many different things in this world. Some chase money, some chase women, some chase comfort. Some are “successful” (as they get what they’ve been chasing) while others are not so successful and so keep themselves rushing forward trying to get after whatever it i
s they seek. Men seek these things because they believe it will give them what they want in life. They think if I get this thing then I will be good and all will be well. Of course as soon as man achieves what he strives after he is then unsatisfied with it and so the entire circle starts all over again. Sometimes to goal has changed and sometimes to goal is simply a bigger measure of the same thing they were chasing all along.

  A bigger house, a blonder wife, a bigger bank account, a cushier position, and so on and so forth. Not realizing that ultimately these things are all vanity and not things that are going to give man what he seeks. The outlaw because of his harsher upbringing closer to reality understands this and seeks the one currency that never depreciates and that all take notice of no matter their race, creed, or religion. And that is respect. Above all else the outlaw seeks that others respect him. He does not care if he is liked nor if he is in the “right” (often according to slave morality anyways) rather he only cares if his strength is respected. If the respect is there then all is good, if it’s not well then we have a problem.

  Respect is the ultimate currency in which the outlaw trades and which matters most to him. Sure he will pursue money and women have a place in his life. But they do not occupy the central part, no the central part is occupied by respect. He can lose money and it means little, lose women and it means even less. But lose respect and it must be fixed immediately. Because with loss of respect comes many other negative things. Without respect there is not much that a man has in this world. As you’ll see a man’s sense of masculinity and that respect that is given to him have a nearly direct correlation with one another. That is granted that the respect is coming from other strong men especially within the gang who hold to the same honor system as he does.